My stay in Dusit Thani Maldives: Manta on Call service and I snorkeled with 120 Manta rays… 

Highlight: Manta on Call 

When you visit Tanzania, you go safari. When you visit Baa atol, you go Hanifaru Bay watch the Manta Rays. But in Dusit Thani, we were spoilt even more. Our butler Naan promised to Whatsapp me when he got an update from the rangers of the NP if manta rays were spotted. He told me to get my stuff and be ready within 20 mins at the water sports centre. So I got my gear ready in a bag in the room. At 1400 pm I got a whatsapp at the pool that we were leaving at 1500. Less than 15 mins later I jumped into a wobbly sea, yes, very strong current and high waves, and your guide For (from Hongkong) and his Maldivian collegue gave clear instructions. Pity my fellow tourist from China couldn’t swim but still tried, but my guide anticipated on this and made sure I got to the right spot. He noticed the manta rays fins above water and gave me exact instructions on where to swim. That day, I saw 150 manta rays floating next to me and under me. 

– Bikes: Upon arrival bikes are arranged matching your villa number. It is a superb experience to bike around the island, going to the restaurants to have breakfast or dinner or visit the local shops. If you want. A buggy is always on call available, but the bike gives you that easy-holiday feeling.

– Kindness and care: Good service in Maldives is expected and given in every resort we ever stayed in in our six visits to the country. In Dusit Thani, you feel a genuine care to make guests feel at home and do everything to make them feel relaxed and enjoy themselves, whatever their wish is. In Dusit Thani, I fell off my bike. The gardener came running to me and asked if I needed a doctor. My leather flip flop slipped from the pedal so I fell on my left arm. I’m from Holland so biking is our second nature and I just right on again after taking a few breathers and thanked the gardener saying all was fine. In the afternoon there was a fruit basket and a bottle of Prosecco and a ‘get well soon’ note. So sweet and kind!

– Kids: if you bring kids to the island resort, there are plenty of activities in the Kids Club and the poolside is a fine place to relax and unwind too.

Go Back?

Yes, for sure. We love the beauty of the nature on this island, the house reef, the top culinary experiences and the trip to Hanifaru. And again, our buddy Naan and For and the F&B team and all the wonderful people who made our stay extra special!! Thank you.

Wil jij naar Dusit Thani Maldives? Wij weten zelfs het villanummer van de water villa’s met het allermooiste uitzicht op het huisrif. Bel en we gaan het boeken! (Met of zonder manta’s).

Over de auteur

Zout in je haren, zand tussen je tenen. Liefst poederwit zand, zoals in de Malediven, de Filipijnen of Bora-Bora. De zoete smaak van een sterke cappuccino op je lippen. Of een Italiaanse rode wijn, graag uit Sorrento, die heeft Debby het liefst. Compleet eiland verslaafd en graag op reis met haar dikke Rimowa-koffer vol mooie jurkjes, shortjes, een paar bikini’s, slippers een professionele snorkel. Digital Nomad, want werken doet ze in de Himalaya in Bhutan en in Bali aan zee. Als ze geen reizen aan het boeken is voor haar klanten, is ze weer nieuwe bestemmingen aan het ontdekken. Thuis in Nederland geniet ze met haar ragdoll katjes van de Deep Tropical House Mix of rock muziek. Sinds kort reist haar kleine dochter Lotus-Loveday mee. Haar man Hans draagt dan de koffers. Trips van Debby
  • Bezocht: 39 landen
  • Afstand: 1.100.000 km
  • Vertraging: 4 keer
  • Koffer kwijt: 0 keer
  • Upgrades: 6 keer
  • Foto's: 120.000
  • Hoogste punt: BHUTAN 3200M, TIBET 4300M, QUITO 4350M
  • Aantal airlines: 50
  • Aantal stops: SINGAPORE: 38X, INDONESIE: 24X