When you enter the room, you know you’re in a new Space. Time for relaxation, literally more space, due to the high ceilings and soft colors. High windows challenge your eyes to look far and beyond. The pool at the veranda, the deep blue sea and the horizon. A horizon that is clear and clean. A good space for new thoughts.
After two days, I was already writing lots of insights, book titles, happy drawings, quotations and words in my notebook.
That’s when I discovered that at the desk, there’s your personal diary waiting for you. It contains inspiring questions, subjects about awareness and living in the here and now. Do we always fully enjoy where we are? Am I looking back and thinking ahead a lot? Yes, designing, planning, making to-do-lists. But that I love about life. To be fully enjoying and fantasizing. Planning ahead. It’s also what I do for my work, which I see as pure passion. Travel is my One Thing. I live and breathe for it.
So here’s a few Mind Notes. Insights. Happy Thoughts.
Better Shared than put in a cupboard.

The surrender-to-more-spontaneous-invites.
I’ll tell you about my treatments, but I can reveal there was no coincidence in which one I picked.
Can let go. It’s so important to let go.
After a healing, which was very impressive, it was obvious it was important to experience this. Letting go of beliefs and feelings I no longer need. Empowered by the words of the therapist/healer. Though that did take weeks to land, now I’m being really honest.
She said things that I had been thinking of. But by the way she asked her question and made some remarks, I just realized I can now shake it off. And I still remember it, not in my brain, but in my heart. It was not in my mind I changed it, it was on soul level.
Digital Nomads. Flexible work. Work in different time zones, work on remote locations.
It leads to faster connections. More insights due to other cultures. A quick connection with local people. I learn more about me in a strange place. And about this planet.
Digital Nomads. Flexibel werken. Werktijden in andere tijdzones.
Het leidt tot snelle verbinding. Meer inzicht in andere culturen. Snelle clicks met de lokale mensen.
Je leert meer over jezelf op een vreemde plek. En over deze mooie planeet.
Listen more.
Talk Less.
Make music with my daughter on the xylophone that is in the room. The room fills with beautiful warm sounds we both enjoy.
Making wooden puzzles together. Us both laughing, because she’s faster. And she’s 3,5 years old.
No wifi in the restaurants. No phone, no iPad.
But hey, we have each other. Lovely conversations about the island, the treatments, the sea. Delicious fresh food and super inspiring conversations with all the JB angels that work here.

Having a bath in JOALI BEING Maldives Resort.
The Coulds, the Sea, the Waves.
There’s a storm coming. And I’m in a warm bath.
In my water villa.
In the Maldives.
Relaxing after my Four Pillars massage.
The joy of weightlessness.
I love it here.
It’s not an Escape.
I’m not running away from something.
Surrender to rest.
And the beauty of this island.
Call it Soul Maintenance.

They let you rest.
They talk with you when you feel like it.
They share their advice when you want it.
They have Compassion.
They honestly Care for you.
In this resort, you experience a Retreat in the best way you ever will.
It was not like I was learning
something new.
It was more like remembering.
What I had known before.
The Island is isolated
You travel a whole way from your home- to Maldives- and with your sea plane to the island resort.
But it’s also that distance that is soothing.
That leaves things behind.
Or did I leave something behind?
That gives you space.
You do it to your car.
You go acupuncture.
You do yoga and kick boxing.
You go to the dentist.
You talk to your coach.
And who takes care of me
My Soul?
Who takes Care of YOU?
Asked my coach.
I felt a huge lump in my throat.
Yes, it has been a heavy time. For two years keeping your business alive, alive enough to start doing travel business as soon as it would be possible, allowed. People didn’t care. That you loose so much money, just to pay your licenses, insurances, website, accountancy bills, the whole shebang. Bills piled up, but no guests, no bookings. Nobody really cared. At least, not too many.
Who are always there for me? Support me always? Are there for me in good times and in bad? Changed their travel dates, postponed in stead of cancelled. Bless you, for your loyalty AND compassion. How blessed am I to have these wonderful guests in my portfolio. They who called when my laptop crashed, who told me they’d pay half the bill because they want me back in business and find it O so important that I can work and share my travel passion. And make my guests happy.
So, that’s what we will be working on, my coach said. We’ll make that line up of those next to your stronger.
Driving home, I realized how special this is. Someone placing her finger exactly on that spot. Who tells you, you are strong and she’s proud of you. Who tells you you can do it all by yourself, but that we can also work on it together. Because we don’t have to all do it alone. We also have each other.
‘It’s best if I do it myself.’ That belief is right out the window,
The only problem with JOALI BING is: JOALI BEING and Bodufushi island.
You leave inspired and addicted to that JOALI BEING feeling.
I have been living in a fairy tale.